Fodder Cutter

Fodder Cutter

No. of Discs : 2 or 2
No. of Knifes : 6 or 6
Working Width : 1250 mm or 1650 mm
Tractor HP (PTO) :  540 rpm  or  540 rpm
Tractor HP  : Above 50 HP or  Above 50 HP
Weight  : 180 kg  or  375 kg

SKU: fodder-cutter Category:

Again, the usage of this farm implement is indicated by its name. This farm implement is used for the sole purpose of cutting of fodder for domestic cattle.
The blades of fodder cutter are hardened enough in order to withstand pressure. It has 2 discs but 6 knives are present. It is a multipurpose farm implement as it provides a cutting solution to all the agricultural crop yields such as grub, fodder, straw etc.
We are offering brand new fodder cutter for sale in Botswana at affordable prices.